Paula's memories

Created by Paula 7 years ago
Spending hours on the beach collecting fossils, cracking pebbles to find something special inside.
Reading cloud formations to predict the weather, naming constellations on a starry night.
Learning how to hang wallpaper and the correct way to gloss paint a panel door.
Daddy's Sunday breakfasts, amazing curries and fantastic lemon drizzle cake, the last of which he packed for us to take back this Easter.
The special time we spent together in the car on the way to my wedding.
The amazing poems he could recite from memory learnt all those years ago at school, and his choir boy singing voice never lost.
The bedtime stories every night as a child, my favourite book 'Rubby' with the missing page, he made up the story to fill the gap every time he read it to me. The carnival of soft toys he made march into bed before kissing me good night.